This is a list of the most commonly asked questions about this radio show - please read through them before contacting us with your question.
What players do you recommend for listening to Velcro Touch Radio?
Ideally, Winamp is the best choice. iTunes also works well, and Windows Media Player also works (you may have to manually type the stream URL in the WMP’s play location box, however). Otherwise make sure the player you are using supports MP3 format - most do but some programs have issues with MP3 streaming protocols. Players not recommended would be Real Audio - it will work for some people but not everyone.
Alternatively, you can also use the player and/or the player on their respective sites to listen to VTRN.
My player won’t work or says it doesn’t support the format. What can I do to get your stream?
Try downloading and installing Winamp player. It is one of the most common players and one of the best choices for listening to internet radio. Make sure you configure Winamp to playback all MP3 format files/streams. This program will work for virtually anyone on a PC that uses a regular ISP or AOL. If you are a Mac user and have iTunes, use it to stream the program.
My player will play the stream for a few seconds and then it stops and/or keeps buffering, skipping etc. What is the problem?
Are you using a broadband connection or dialup connection? This commonly happens when a dialup user is attempting to listen to a broadband audio or video stream. Use one of our LoFi feeds if you are on dialup. If you are on broadband it could mean you have connectivity issues with your ISP and/or wireless connection. It also could mean there is an issue somewhere between you and the stream (network congestion and/or outage, etc.) Try using one of the alternate broadband feeds that stream at a lower bitrate or one of the lofi feeds. Lastly it could mean that the feed you are listening to is having issues and/or VTRN’s uplink is having issues (which is a possibility but a very rare occurrence). Again, try using an alternate feed.
I am on AOL and the AOL player suddenly gets stuck in a loop. What’s going on?
This is a known issue with AOL’s player, which is based on the Winamp 2.7 engine. The quick fix is to stop the stream and then restart it. That usually fixes it. If that doesn’t work then close it out and relaunch it.
Does VTRN take listener requests?
Yes. If I have it, I will play it.
Does VTRN have a public caller phone line?
No. During airtime, however, I can be contacted in the listener chatrooms.
Does VTRN take artist submissions?
Yes. Please go to the artist submissions page to find the procedures and criterion for making a submission to this radio show.
If you have any other questions that do not relate to these above, you are welcome to contact us through E-mail.